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QA Automation Engineer

Прямой работодатель  Sardina Systems ( sardinasystems.com )
London, United Kingdom
Миддл • Сеньор
Информационные технологии • QA • Auto • SaaS/PaaS
21 августа 2023
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
Работодатель  Sardina Systems
Описание вакансии

Sardina Systems is an OpenInfra software platform company based on OpenStack and Kubernetes and is looking for QA Automation Engineer to join our team.

What will you do:

- Implement gating tests
- Support test automation system
- Develop a set of tests to be able to check deployer, fishos components for automated gating
- Handle software build and package maintenance
- Design and implement components in our software build and packaging automation tools, extending and replacing (where necessary) current code, to update with new functionalities
- Contribute ideas for increasing software reliability

Your qualifications


- 1+ years of experience in Python (for automation scripting)
- Must have experience with Linux packaging
- Experience with GitLab CI
- Experience with Jenkins
- Written English would be sufficient

Will be a plus:

- Familiarity with Koji build system
- Familiarity with Zuul
- Familiarity with Ansible

We offer:

- Work on an interesting project with a team of experienced professionals
- All the conditions for rapid progress in the profession, increasing the complexity of tasks as you develop
- Competitive wages with regular review
- Flexible working hours (fixing to Central European Time)
- Five-day working week, within 8 hours a day
- Daily practice of English during the work process;
- Opportunity to attend conferences, meetups and other professional events

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