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Удаленная работа (Remote), В офисе, С хорошей зарплатой, Информационные технологии, Разработка, Специализация, Backend, Fullstack, Frontend, Mobile, DevOps, Инструменты, Ansible, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes, Nagios, Puppet, Системное администрирование, BSD, Linux, Mac, Windows, Администратор, БД, Приложений, SRE, Инженер, Presale, Билд, Релиз, Сетевой, Сервис, QA, Appium, Gemini, Katalon Studio, Phantom.js, Puppeteer, Postman, Selenium, UIAutomator, Auto, Gamedev testing, Manual, Mobile testing, SDET, ИБ/IS, CEH, Pentesting, Техническая поддержка/Helpdesk, Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data, BI аналитика, METABASE, OLAP, Oracle BI, PowerBI, Pentaho, QlikView, Shiny/Dash​​​​​​​, SAP BO, Tableau, Системы аналитики, Amplitude, AppsFlyer, AppMetrika, Appstore connect, Adjust, Amlitude, AppAnnie, DeltaDNA, Devtodev, Firebase, FB/Instagram API, Flurry, Game Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Hotjar, Kissmetrics, Mixpanel, Piwik, Periscope, Яндекс.Метрика, Data scientist, Аналитик, Исследователь, Менеджер, Разработчик, Тип анализа данных, Data Science, Machine Learning, Marketing аналитика, Product аналитика, RND, UX аналитика, Web аналитика, Бизнес анализ, Инвестиционный анализ, Клиентская/CRM аналитика, Операционный анализ, Системный анализ, Финансовый анализ, Управление продуктом и проектами, Product management, Project management, Product Owner, Управление процессами, Управление разработкой, Управление внедрением, Маркетинг и PR, Digital маркетинг, ASO, CRM, Context, E-mail (Direct), Programmatic, PPC, SEO, SEM, User Acquisition, PR, Devrel, GR, IR, Influence, Связи с общественностью, ATL, Brand, BTL, Event, Growth, Media Planner, Media Buyer, SMM/ Community, SERM, Trade маркетинг, Вирусный маркетинг, Контент маркетинг, Маркетинговые исследования, Программы лояльности, Спецпроекты, Арт, Дизайн, Gamedev design, Concept, Level, Narrative, Игоровой баланс, UX/UI design, Mobile design, UX, UI, Web design, Спецэффекты, CGI, SFX, VFX, 2D/3D, Marketing design, Motion, Анимация, Арт директор, Бренд дизайн, Видео, Графический дизайн, Дизайн интерьеров, Иллюстрация, Инфографика, Полиграфия, Технический дизайн, Продюсирование, Digital, Gamedev, Контент, Креатив, Медиа, Образовательные проекты, Продакшн, Продажи, закупки, клиентская поддержка, Аккаунтинг, Биздев, Закупки, Клиентская поддержка, Привлечение клиентов, Работа с ключевыми клиентами, Работа с партнерами, Сфера продаж, Реклама, Indoor, Outdoor, Софт, Товары, Услуги, Тип продаж, B2C, B2B, B2G, Активные, Опт, Пассивные, Розница, Телемаркетинг, Франчайзи, Автор, Журналист, Корреспондент, Копирайтер, Корректор, Переводчик, Редактор, Сценарист, HR, C&B (компенсации и льготы), HR бренд, HR проекты, T&D (обучение и развитие), Внутренние коммуникации, КДП, Рекрутинг, Support, бэкофис, Ассистент, Документооборот, Колл-центр, Biometric, Blockchain, Computer Vision, Dev tools, Desktop, Data Analysis, Ecommerce, Embeded, ERP, FMCG/Потребительские товары, Hardware, IoT/IIoT, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Robots/Drones, SaaS/PaaS, SmartTV, Voice assistants, VR/AR, WEB, Банковская и страховая сфера, Государственные проекты, Заказная разработка, Киберспорт, Консалтинг, профессиональные услуги, Культура и искусство, Логистика и транспорт, Медицина и фармацевтика, Наука, Образование, Платежные технологии, Промышленность, Производство, СМИ, Медиа и индустрия развлечений, Системная интеграция, Сельское хозяйство, Строительство и недвижимость, Торговля и общепит, Телекоммуникации, Стажер, Джуниор, Миддл, Сеньор, Тимлид/Руководитель группы, Руководитель отдела/подразделения, Директор, VP, Архитектор, Консультант, , Bash, Clojure, C++, CoffeeScript, C#, C, DAX, Dart, Erlang, Elm, Groovy, Go, Haskel, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, LiveScript, Lua, Node.js, Objective-C, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Rust, ReasonML, R, Scala, Swift, SQL, SAS, TypeScript, VBA, Bitrix, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEBAPI, ASP.NET Core, NancyFX, SignalR, Boost, Qt, STL, Buffalo, Beego, Echo, Gorilla, Gin-gonic, Gin, Gocraft, Goji, Martini, Mango, Revel, Tiger Tonic, Web.go, Grails, Glide, Gaelyk, Griffon, Ratpack, Spring Boot, Angular, AngularJS, Backbone, Ember, Knockout, Polymer, React, Svelte, Vue.js, jQuery, Blade, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Hibernate, Spring, Spark, Vert.X, Lapis, Luvit, Sailor, TurboLua, Mobile development, Android, Cordova, Flutter, Ionic, PhoneGap, React Native, Sencha, Titanium, Xamarin, iOS, Express, Hapi, Koa, Meteor, Nest, Nuxt.js, Restify, Sails, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, FuelPHP, Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, Yii, Zend, CherryPy, Django, Flask, Grok, Pyramid, Tornado, TurboGears, Web2Py, Catalyst, Dancer, Mojolicious, Grape, Hanami, Nancy, Padrino, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Trailblazer, Actix-web, Rocket, Tower Web, Akka, Lift, Play Framework, Slick, Scalatra, Верстка, CSSinJS, CSS, EJS, HTML, Handlebars, Jade, LESS, Mustache, Pug, PostCSS, SCSS, Stylus, SASS, Twig, Apache Spark, Apache Zeppelin, Hadoop, MapReduce, Torch AI, Azure SQL, Amazon Redshift, Apache Drill, Cassandra, ClickHouse, Einlineicsearch, Google BigQuery, Greenplum, Hive, Impala, MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, MSSQL, Map Reduce, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, Tarantool, Vertica, YT, AWS, Amazon S3, Azure, Google Cloud, Google App Engine, Google Firebase, Heroku, OpenShift, OpenStack,

Вакансии analytics match relocate Affiliate / Партнерский маркетинг ML/AI

  • Project Manager for AI R&D Team


    Location: remote or relocation to DubaiEmployment Type: Full-TimeCompany Overview: MTLAB is an AI R&D company from Dubai. We are building the world's first AI-driven SaaS platform, which boosts foot traffic and sales in brick-and-mortar businesses through geolocation-based personalization, immersive AR exploration, and queue-free payments.Role Summary: MTLAB is seeking a visionary Project Manager to lead our R&D team, driving the development of cutting-edge AI SaaS. This role involves team coordination, man…
  • Backend Developer for Blockchain Project

    Event Horizon

    Experience with blockchain projects is mandatory.We are in search of a talented Backend Developer who can write low latency financial software that processes billions of dollars in trading volume daily. This role offers you a chance to be part of an innovative team poised to impact a billion-dollar industry.ResponsibilitiesWrite low latency financial software, including order book matching engines, trading engines, and REST & WebSocket API endpoints.Build high-performance REST & WebSocket APIs to power our …
  • Senior .NET Core developer (Tech lead)

    Aгентство Рекрутер Fl_Recruiter

    We are looking for Senior a .NET Core Developer (Tech lead). You will be responsible for building applications using .NET Core and working on both front-end and back-end. Your primary responsibility will be to code the applications and lead the rest of the team to deliver high quality applications. 🔘ResponsibilitiesDetermining project requirements and developing work schedules for the team.Delegating tasks and achieving daily, weekly, and monthly goals.Analyzing existing operations and scheduling training s…
  • SEO Manager

    Metropolitan Group

    Company Overview:Established in 2008, The Metropolitan Group is a distinguished company that has been dedicated to providing exceptional property-related services and support to clients in both local and international markets. As a prominent leader in the UAE real estate sector, our flagship entity, Metropolitan Premium Properties, is acclaimed as one of Dubai's premier real estate agencies. We hold the prestigious accreditation as a broker for licensed developers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Ras Al Khaimah, an…
  • CTO for AI Product


    Location: DubaiEmployment Type: Full-TimeCompany Overview:MTLAB is an AI R&D company based in Dubai. We partner with AWS, Google, and Nvidia to build the world's first AI-driven app that matches brick-and-mortar retail inventory with customer location and preferences, facilitating real-time chats with customers and boosting sales and foot traffic for businesses.Role Summary:MTLAB is seeking a visionary leader with a deep understanding of machine learning (ML), large language models (LLM), software architect…