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Прямой работодатель  Sardina Systems ( sardinasystems.com )
London, United Kingdom
Миддл • Сеньор
Информационные технологии • DevOps • OpenStack • SaaS/PaaS
16 февраля 2024
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
Работодатель  Sardina Systems
Описание вакансии

Sardina Systems is an OpenInfra software platform company based on OpenStack and Kubernetes and is looking for a SysOps / Cloud System Engineer to join our team.


What will you do:

- Understanding the technical assembly of packages

- Developing and building packages

- Repository management and package testing

- Contribute ideas for making the applications better and easier to use


Your qualifications



- Clear understanding of fundamentals of Linux operating systems

- Knowledge of Python (for systems operations purposes)

- Experience with package management/development tools for DEB or RPM

- Experience with CI/CD tools, pipeline development

- Experience with testing packages

- Experience with common developer tools - Git, IDE, etc.

- Written English would be sufficient


Will be a plus:

- Experience in system administration and network administration

- Knowledge of hypervisors (such as KVM, HyperV, and VMware)

- Experience with cloud management platforms such as OpenStack, GCP, AWS

- Knowledge of Docker, k8s

- Knowledge of automation tools Ansible or Chef

- Experience with data center operations


We offer:

- Work on an interesting project with a team of experienced professionals

- All the conditions for rapid progress in the profession, increasing the complexity of tasks as you develop

- Competitive wages with regular review

- Flexible working hours (fixing to Central European Time)

- Five-day working week, within 8 hours a day

- Daily practice of English during the work process;

- Opportunity to attend conferences, meetups and other professional events

Информационные технологииDevOpsOpenStack
Отрасль и сфера применения
Уровень должности