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Topic author in SQL Databases

Прямой работодатель  Hyperskill ( hyperskill.org )
Стажер • Джуниор • Миддл
Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data • SQL • MongoDB • MySQL • OLAP • PostgreSQL • Data Analysis • Образование
11 июля 2022
Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость
Опыт работы любой
от 50 до 80 $
Работодатель  Hyperskill
Описание вакансии

Hyperskill is an English-language platform where anyone can learn programming and Math. Our teaching is practice-based. A user selects a project that they want to create from the list, and gradually expands and upgrades it while studying relevant theory.

Now we are developing a new track, SQL & Databases, and looking for authors who will work on creating topics or projects.

✅ This job will fit you perfectly, if you

- Want to share your knowledge on building DBMS and storage classes: key-value, document-oriented, full-text search engines, etc.

- Write in English confidently (B2+)

- Are a fan of online education

- Can explain complex things in simple terms

- Enjoy working in a team

- Are positive about receiving and giving feedback


✅ At Hyperskill, you can

- Work at a comfortable pace with flexible negotiable deadlines

- Learn new programming languages and frameworks by completing other tracks on our platform for free

- Develop your writing and explaining skills

- Become a part of an international EdTech company


💰We pay about 50-80 USD for each finished topic.

💰The payrate for projects is negotiable. It starts with 100 USD for new authors and can go up to 135 USD and higher. It depends on the complexity of the project and the skills of the author. 

To apply for the job, you need to complete a test task that is paid upon successful completion. To receive the test task details, please, contact the recruiter.

Аналитика, Data Science, Big DataSQLMongoDBMySQLOLAPPostgreSQL
Отрасль и сфера применения
Data AnalysisОбразование
Уровень должности