Java Developer

Казань, Россия
Информационные технологии • Разработка • Backend • Java • Hibernate • Spring • PostgreSQL • Google Firebase • OpenShift
Удаленная работа • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
О себе

На данный момент Старший Java разработчик.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Stack of technologies:

Java 11;
Spring :
Boot, Data, Security, Web;
Eureka, Feign, Zuul;
Hibernate, Liquibase;
MySQL, PostgreSQL;
Swagger, Postman, JUnit (using H2 db with Spring profiles);
Build system:
Version control system:

IntelliJ IDEA;

Reading a lot, including professional literature.


Service for booking workplaces.

Microservice made for booking workplaces. Made for organizations with mixed work schedules (remote work/office work), when number of people in organization is more than amount of working places.
Technologies: Java 11, Spring Framework, PostgreSQL, Lombok, Maven, Eureka.

Awesome Solution(France).
Code refactoring, SQL work.

Lighting control system.

The application is used by the administration of the city, together with the service organization and the investor.
Application features:
-Collection of data on electricity readings (processing commands from the control controller);
-Processing of electricity readings;
-Manually on / off lighting;
-Remote controller firmware update;
-Ability to remotely change the lighting schedule.
Technologies: Java 8, Spring Framework, Lombok, Maven, PostgreSQL, Hibernate.

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