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Python Developer

Киев, Украина
Миддл • Сеньор
Информационные технологии • Разработка • Backend • Fullstack • C# • Go • Python • PHP • Rust • SQL • ASP.NET Core • Vue.js • Android • Xamarin • iOS • Laravel • Django • Flask • Actix-web • Rocket • MongoDB • MySQL • PostgreSQL • Redis • CRM • Desktop • Ecommerce • Embeded • ERP • Hardware • IoT/IIoT • Voice assistants • Государственные проекты • Заказная разработка • Киберспорт • Культура и искусство • Логистика и транспорт • Медицина и фармацевтика • Наука • Образование • Платежные технологии • Промышленность • Производство • СМИ, Медиа и индустрия развлечений • Системная интеграция • Сельское хозяйство • Строительство и недвижимость • Торговля и общепит • Телекоммуникации
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
150 000 ₽
О себе

На данный момент Remote Python Developer.

Мои компетенции и опыт

5 years writing in python
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in the context of python development I can do almost everything. exception is machine learning
what I didn’t work with - I’ll figure it out in a couple of days with documentation

learning C # and Rust.

I am collecting 2 of my commercial projects:

- on the stack of django + scrapy + celery
- on the C # + .net framework stack

A very important factor - I do not like sprints and do not work on kpi. I’m used to writing code not for reasons of development speed, but for reasons of stability, maintainability and further scalability of my code. This means that you do not need to rely on the fact that in the first month of working with you I will solve all your problems.

I spend most of my time on Linux, except when I need to use C #.

- python
- django
- django cms
- flask
- asyncio (aiohttp client / server)
- celery / celery-beat
- postgresql
- pandas
- opencv (a little bit)
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The following is what I am currently studying.

- .NET
- Xamarin (android + ios)
- Unity 3D (cross-platform)

In general, for me there is no serious difference with which lib or framework to work, except when there is no need for a lib or framework selected by someone

Once, out of interest, I put together a prototype of an analogue of Jarvis, the manager of computer voice control using the speech recognition library in the input audio stream and API of the operating system. Without recognition of a natural language and other stray machine learning.

Also, I can gather out of interest logic for a not very complex computer game in c #, for example, chess or poker.

Out of interest I collect 2 commercial projects with a team of like-minded people.

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