Service manager

Novi Sad, Serbia
Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения
Информационные технологии • Системное администрирование
Релокация • Удаленная работа • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы более 5 лет
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О себе

На данный момент Technical Service Manager.

Мои компетенции и опыт

A results-driven Customer Service Manager with over 12 years of overall experience in the IT industry, including 5+ years of specialized expertise in IT Service management. Skilled in governing complex IT services, implementing ITILv4 best practices, and leading distributed teams for global companies. Successfully established and improved the effectiveness of IT support services at all levels for major international customer, resulting in a CSAT rating of 9/10. Seeking a challenging role where I can leverage my technical background, extensive experience, and proven track record to excel in customer support and effectively manage diverse teams.

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